Ben Resume HTML Template

👋 Nirmani, a medical research scientist

This is Nirmani's Resume

I am Nirmani Kaushalya. Soon to be a graduate with a BSc(Hons) Biotechnology. I am passionate about exploring the intersections of science and technology.

Now I have a strong foundation in genetics, molecular biology and laboratary techniques thanks to my studies. I am seeking for possibilities to expand my Biotechnology knowledge and get practical experience.

  • Full Name : Nirmani Kaushalya
  • Date of Birth: 07 April 2002
  • Website :
  • Email :
Ben's Resume HTML Template

Educational Qualifications

Secondary Education
studied at G/Anuladevi Balika Vidyala
Higher Education
I am currently completing BSc(Hons) Biotechnology degree program @ SLIIT

Work Experience

During my acedemic journey I worked in Asiri Hospital as a medical research scientist.

Other Proffessional Qualifications

During my internship I had oppertunity to work direct with a varied team of scientist and doctors.

What People say

Frequently Asked Questions

Penicillium Antibiotic Effect.

How is the effect of an antibiotic different for different species of bacteria.

DNA Fingerprint.

How is DNA evidence prepared and analyzed in a crime case.

DNA Analysis - 95%
Effectively communicate - 94%
Problem solving - 92%

Reading and doing Experiments are my hobbies.

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